Beat Saber World Cup Banner

Welcome to the 2021 Beat Saber World Cup hosted by Cube Community! This is our second annual Beat Saber World Cup. This is a team tournament, with each country forming their own teams. This tournament is organised and run by these people BSWC Staff

Tournament Schedule

Phase Date/Time
Registration 2021-04-17
Qualifier Maps Revealed 2021-05-29
Roster Lock-in 2021-06-10 6PM UTC
Roster Reveal Video Premier 2021-06-12 2PM UTC
Qualifiers Begin 2021-06-12 2PM UTC
Qualifiers End 2021-06-27 2PM UTC
Round of 16 2021-07-03 / 2021-07-04
Quarterfinals + LR1 2021-07-10 / 2021-07-11
Semifinals + LR2 + LR3 2021-07-17 / 2021-07-18
Finals + LR4 + LR5 2021-07-24 / 2021-07-25
Losers Finals 2021-07-31
Grand Finals 2021-07-31 / 2021-08-01


Placement Prize
1st 1st place Scoresaber Badge + 50% of total prize pool
2nd 2nd place Scoresaber Badge + 30% of total prize pool
3rd 3rd place Scoresaber Badge + 20% of total prize pool

Cash prizes will be given from a donation based prize pool.

All players and team captains will receive a badge if their team places in the top three.

All players on the top three teams will receive an even split of their placement's prize pool. If the players would like to split the money any other way, there will need to be a 100% agreement on how to split it. This will be discussed at the time of payouts.


Position Member(s)
Admin United States Flag Amanatsu, United States Flag Koalafied Operator, United States Flag Kosmos, Canada Flag Spiza
Staff United Kingdom Flag AFriendlyPug, United Kingdom Flag Charlie, United Kingdom Flag Daniโ˜†, Germany Flag Gregi, France Flag JiveOff, United States Flag Miller, United States Flag moon, Czechia Flag Samiii, Sweden Flag Stenis, Canada Flag williums
Design United Kingdom Flag AFriendlyPug, Netherland Flag Interz, France Flag JiveOff, United States Flag Miller, Sweden Flag Stenis
Coders United Kingdom Flag Charlie, Poland Flag Drakonno, France Flag JiveOff, United States Flag moon
Caster United Kingdom Flag Bantalope, United Kingdom Flag Jaack, United States Flag Brylanbbab, Italy Flag Gio, Germany Flag Ixsen, United States Flag Kosmos, United States Flag LSToast, Germany Flag Magician, Philippines Flag Mystikmol, United States Flag RFCaps, United States Flag Shan_Man, Canada Flag TiltedTeapot, United Kingdom Flag Wolven
Coordinator Germany Flag Gregi, Czechia Flag Samiii, Belgium Flag !SKA, United Kingdom Flag Aso, Norway Flag Dawn, Denmark Flag Lucy, United States Flag Raven | ้›ช | ArticSkye, United States Flag RFCaps, United States Flag ShadowPixel, Canada Flag teknoz
Map Pooler United States Flag Koalafied Operator, United States Flag abcdadq, United Kingdom Flag Jaack, United States Flag Brylanbbab, Brazil Flag ComplexFrequency, United Kingdom Flag fraies, Canada Flag fvwvrd, United States Flag RFCaps, United States Flag Shan_Man, United States Flag SSnowy, Portugal Flag ๐˜ผ๐˜พ๐˜พ | ยซ๐™Ž๐™ฎ๐™ฃ๐™˜ยป


Country Captain Members

Map Pools


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
RGB YOASOBI Dack Expert 160f3 Preview
dnd glaive cerret Expert+ 1599a Preview
Envy Baby Kanaria CoolingCloset & Nolanimations Expert+ 16ac1 Preview
Newspapers For Magicians Camellia Shan_Man Expert+ 1547b Preview
An artifice Camellia ThySpoon Expert+ 16d07 Preview
Knight Rider USAO Fvrwvrd Expert+ 16991 Preview
Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous Good Charlotte ETAN Expert 18880 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Qualifiers Playlist

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Round of 16

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Kiss Me More Doja Cat Olaf Expert+ 18d1d Preview
Kings & Queens Ava Max Edmard Expert ca40 Preview
XTREME USAO Timbo Easy 126bd Preview
Popular Monster Falling In Reverse muffn & altrewin Expert+ 188ba Preview
A Little Faster There For Tomorrow muffn & SimplyMarvellous Expert+ e814 Preview
Emanation Schwank and Tanger Jaack Expert+ 16c14 Preview
Hell Above Pierce The Veil cerret Expert+ 17051 Preview
Strange Fiction DEMONDICE CoolingCloset Expert+ 16af1 Preview
Revolver Churros Kobaryo scoop Expert+ 1527a Preview
Hardware Store Weird Al Yankovic That_Narwhal Expert+ 13377 Preview
Affiliate Requiem Kobaryo Complex, miitchel & Skeelie Expert 178bb Preview

Download the full playlist here: Round of 16 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
SUPER RISER! Nanidato ETAN Hard d411 Preview
Falling INTERSECTION nolan121405 Easy 16858 Preview
Unclear M2U Timbo Expert+ 18e9e Preview
Broken Man Fox Stevenson Jaack Expert+ 1552c Preview
She is my wife SUPER STAR -MITSURU- miitchel & Mystikmol Expert+ 16683 Preview
BroGamer USAO Nolanimations Expert+ 17ab2 Preview
Bassline Yatteru? w Camellia Joshabi & altrewin Expert+ 15b6e Preview
The Fool FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE Jaack Expert+ 184c3 Preview
Toymatic Parade DJ Genki cerret Expert+ 16bb1 Preview
Galaxy Friends Kobaryo Cobayo Expert+ 194d8 Preview
Duplication Zekk muffn Expert+ 19ef6 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Quarter-Finals Playlist

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Loser Round 1

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Sheets Were The States All Time Low SSnowy Easy 1765f Preview
Avalanche Memme That_Narwhal Easy f124 Preview
Runaway Baby Bruno Mars Edmard Expert 1586c Preview
Kingslayer Bring Me The Horizon muffn & altrewin Expert+ 14427 Preview
Shoulda Known Better DJ Noriken shrado & Fvrwvrd Expert+ 18864 Preview
Compute It With Some Devilish Alcoholic Steampunk Engines Camellia Joshabi Expert+ 16dc4 Preview
Sangenshoku YOASOBI CoolingCloset Expert+ 1652c Preview
Villain Virus Kobaryo cerret & muffn Expert+ 17958 Preview
Codex Kotek Jabob Expert+ 141e3 Preview
The Fastest Love Song Stellabee cerret Expert+ 176e3 Preview
Overcome Me!!!!!!! t+pazolite cerret Expert+ 1a06c Preview

Download the full playlist here: Loser Round 1 Playlist

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Loser Round 2-3

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Swim At Face Value RFCaps & SSnowy & Olaf Expert 157c4 Preview
Shiawase No Monosashi Mariya Takeuchi ETAN Expert d4a5 Preview
Please! Concon Inari-sama ARM x Fox Dreams ThySpoon Expert+ 17f05 Preview
Follow U xo sad Helloiamdaan Expert+ 147bf Preview
Final Boss Excision & Dion Timmer Checkthepan, ItsVasili, Timeweaver Expert+ 13fe1 Preview
Darkness Overload Camellia Nolanimations Expert+ 188f1 Preview
(Sto) Czterdziesci i Cztery Mekuso RocKz Expert+ 13d01 Preview
True Hero Kobaryo Cerret, Complex & Daan Expert+ 138ba Preview
Metamorphose Laur Team C2 Hard 12e07 Preview
Additional Memory JIN Joshabi Hard 182bc Preview
Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Laur Helloiamdaan & cerret Expert 1a325 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Loser Round 2-3 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Heroes All Time Low SSnowy + RFCaps Easy 167e0 Preview
KING Ayunda Risu ETAN Hard 17195 Preview
ALONE MY FIRST STORY muffn & SimplyMarvellous Hard 124d2 Preview
LUV U NEED U Slushii Shan_Man & Bytrius Expert 19e49 Preview
Move Dropgun & Leat'eq Teuflum Expert+ 144bc Preview
Dear Diary, Bring Me The Horizon muffn Expert+ 113c7 Preview
Der Herrgott hot glocht Sandesh Manuel MonsterWook, FatBeanzoop & Fnyt Expert+ 168de Preview
PanicPop*FESTIVAL!!! Dj Genki Shan_Man Expert+ 18eed Preview
Tera I/O Camellia cerret Expert+ 13810 Preview
Welcome To Chaos (K)NoW_NAME CoolingCloset Expert+ 120a8 Preview
Cycle Hit Kasai Harcores abcbadq & Joshabi Expert+ 18aba Preview
The Kingdom Sitteth Lonely Beneath Thine Hollowed Heavens Infant Annihilator Fnyt Expert+ 19686 Preview
Quasar Dreams Fvrwvrd ComplexFrequency & Fvrwvrd Expert+ 17cd8 Preview
Plastic Promises Set It Off CoolingCloset Expert+ 19778 Preview
Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Laur Helloiamdaan & cerret Expert+ 1a325 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Semi-Finals Playlist

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Loser Round 4-5

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
0verf1ow FUZI x Neru Timbo Easy 13fe8 Preview
Roku Chounen to Ichiya Monogatari kemu MASO Expert e49f Preview
astrid glaive nolan121405 Hard 19854 Preview
Trapped in the Past TUYU muffn Hard 1a559 Preview
Nasty * Nasty * Spell Camellia Joshabi Expert+ 19ef0 Preview
Revenant Juggernaut. Shan_Man Expert+ 18020 Preview
Bloodgroove Blacklolita scoop Expert+ 1551a Preview
Pigstep Lena Raine Jaack & Olaf Expert+ 169ad Preview
Cheshire's dance a_hisa Jaack Expert+ 192cc Preview
Outbreak USAO abcbadq Expert+ 1a57d Preview
Blackmagik Blazing Camellia Nolanimations Expert+ 167e7 Preview
We Could Get More Machinegun Psystyle! (and More Genre Switches) Camellia Various Mappers Expert 17e02 Preview
Ultima Weapon Laur FatBeanzoop, Fvrwvrd & Daan Expert+ 1a723 Preview
Last Verdict Kobaryo Helloiamdaan Expert+ 1a709 Preview
Obey Bring Me The Horizon muffn & FatBeanzoop Expert+ 1a7e8 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Loser Round 4-5 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Bad Oski Timbo Expert+ 19cf3 Preview
Galaxy Geoxor Shan_Man Expert+ 167ee Preview
All Eyes On Me Fox Stevenson nitronik.exe Hard 1188e Preview
Face Down The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Bytrius Hard 135ae Preview
THAT'S A JOKE NF FatBeanzoop & muffn Expert+ 1929d Preview
SCREW // owo // SCREW Camellia ThySpoon Expert+ 19448 Preview
Yotsuya-san ni Yoroshiku Eight CoolingCloset Expert+ 1a552 Preview
Missing You MY FIRST STORY Nolanimations Expert+ 186e5 Preview
Luin of Celtchar Camellia Joshabi Expert+ 1a53a Preview
Powerful Icecore & Kou! cerret Expert+ 18f62 Preview
Volatile Memory Kobaryo ComplexFrequency Expert+ 194f0 Preview
Pumpin' Junkies t+pazolite qqrz997 Expert+ 182e1 Preview
We Could Get More Machinegun Psystyle! (And More Genre Switches) Camellia cerret Expert+ 18a0e Preview
D E A T H W I S H Within Destruction Helloiamdaan Expert+ 1987e Preview
Fantasie-Celeritas Kobaryo ComplexFrequency Expert+ 1a2cd Preview

Download the full playlist here: Finals Playlist

One Click Install

Loser Finals

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Powerful Icecore & Kou! nolan121405 Normal 19bdd Preview
Your Hearts Getty Spicy Baguette Hard 19832 Preview
Felis M2U ComplexFrequency & Checkthepan Easy 198db Preview
TWINKLE MAGIC P*Light cat_using_a_toaster Normal 14fd7 Preview
Werewolf Howls Camellia Joshabi Expert+ 19053 Preview
-trappola bewitching- gmtn. scoop Expert+ 15806 Preview
GO CRY GO OxT fraies Expert+ 1a8ae Preview
REKKA RESONANCE REDALiCE vs Kobaryo Nolanimations Expert+ 19cb8 Preview
Tinnitus SP-# cerret Expert+ 19b32 Preview
t/a/n/a/s/i/n/n Camellia cerret Expert+ 1a432 Preview
Spin Eternally Camellia fraies & Narwhal Expert+ 197ba Preview
>-----------------< Dive to the Heart cerret Expert+ 1a521 Preview
Remote Tumour Seeker Archspire ThySpoon Expert+ 19dc4 Preview
Invisible Frenzy Kobaryo Denyah & Astrella Expert+ 1496b Preview
SEITEN NO TERIYAKI NO DENSETSU Kobaryo muffn & Nolanimations Expert+ 1abe0 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Loser Finals Playlist

One Click Install

Grand Finals

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
FLUFFY FLASH Kobaryo RichardLH Easy 1983e Preview
Autonomy Kotone Joshabi Easy 167c9 Preview
All You Are Is History State Champs SSnowy Hard 186ef Preview
We are human beings Nyarons altrewin Normal 14029 Preview
The Nights Avicii Nolanimations Hard 16abf Preview
You & DIE USAO Timbo & eZconfirmed Expert+ 18958 Preview
Animosity Laur ThySpoon Expert+ 1a7f9 Preview
Spin Eternally Camellia Astrella Expert+ 15982 Preview
Mystery Circles Ultra / U.U.F.O. Camellia cerret Expert+ 1a05d Preview
Yubi Breaker ReeK Jabob Expert+ 17e55 Preview
300 Nuts Per Minute Holo Bass & Spikey Wikey Fvrwvrd Expert+ 19fca Preview
The King Of Lions Camellia fraies Expert+ 1a8b5 Preview
Harakiri Within Destruction FatBeanzoop & Fvrwvrd Expert+ 1aa07 Preview
Theme for Psychopath Justice Kobaryo ComplexFrequency Expert+ 17d05 Preview
Xronial Xero Camellia as "menaXe inXonnu" Fvrwvrd & Daan Expert+ 1a017 Preview
Berserkerz' Warfare 345 Camellia Complex & cerret Expert+ 19586 Preview
Toxic Violet Cubes Camellia BSWC Team Expert+ 1ad2b Preview

Download the full playlist here: Grand Finals Playlist

One Click Install


Registration Rules

  1. You cannot play in this tournament if:
    • You are on PSVR
    • You are on Quest without a link cable
    • You are banned from submitting scores to ScoreSaber
  2. Every player must register with the bot in #country-registration in the discord.
  3. There may only be one team per country.
  4. Team Captains will be chosen by their country by whichever method they deem fit.
  5. Once a Team Captain has been chosen for your country, they will need to register in #captain-registration in the discord.
  6. Team Captains will be responsible for submitting their rosters on the website by the roster lock-in date.
  7. Once the rosters are locked in, they cannot be changed.
  8. Once rosters are locked in, all registered teams will have their full rosters posted to the website after the roster reveal video has premiered.
  9. After qualifiers have finished, the top 16 teams will move to the Round of 16 bracket phase.

Qualfiers Rules

Scoring & Format
  1. A Team's placement will be calculated from the scores the team members set on the qualifier maps.
    • Every Qualifier map will be counted towards to the final score.
    • Only the Team's top 4 scores on each map will be counted.
    • A Team's overall score will be calculated by taking the average of each counted score's accuracy.
  2. All scores set on a map will have their accuracy weighted against the top score; e.g. if 1st has place an accuracy of 96% on the map, then it will be weighted as 100% and all the following scores will be calculated against the top score.
  3. After qualifiers have finished, the top 16 teams will move to the Round of 16 bracket phase.
  4. A Team's seed will be decided by their placement in the Qualifiers.
  5. In the (unlikely) event of a tie, the 5th best score from each team will be added on each map and recalculated to decide who will be the higher seed. This will continue to the 6th, 7th, and 8th scores until there is no longer a tie. In the event that one of the teams does not have a 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th player, that missing player will be assigned a 0% on all maps for recalculation.
Setting Scores
  1. Every player will get 3 attempts to set a score on a map. (The songs can be practiced as much as players want before attempting to set a score)
  2. Once you press play on a map the amount of attempts you have left will be decreased by 1. (Quitting, crashing, disconnecting, etc. will still use up an attempt)
  3. If you pause the map after the first 10 seconds have passed, the score will return a value of zero. (An attempt is still used even if you pause and then quit or restart in the first 10 seconds)
  4. If your game lags, you lose tracking, or anything else related to your own hardware or setup happens, an attempt will still be used.
  5. You will not be able to set scores while playing with modifiers or on different difficulties. (Doing this will not use up an attempt)
  6. You are not allowed to use any mods that affect scoring or mods that disable scores from being uploaded to Scoresaber.
  7. A valid version of Scoresaber that allows you to submit scores is necessary to have your scores counted.

Note: If there was a technical issue (qualifier mod-related) with uploading a score then please take a screenshot and let us know so we can try and resolve the issue.

General Rules

  1. Beat Saber World Cup is a team tournament where players from/in the same country will compete against each other in 4v4 best of 7/9/11 matches.
  2. All players will play in Tournament Assistant, and scores will be taken from the in-game scoring system.
  3. The winner will be decided by which team has the highest combined total score.
  4. All matches will take place on the weekend (Friday Night, Saturday, Sunday. Subject to change in extenuating circumstances.) This is to ensure that all matches can be streamed.
  5. Match scheduling will be decided by cooperation between the Team Captains as well as the Tournament Staff.
    • While any time is fine during the weekend, the ideal situation is for all matches in a specific weekend to take place as close to each other as possible.
    • Once both teams agree on a time, they will contact Amanatsu at least 48 hours prior to their agreed match time.
    • Once a match time has been agreed upon by both teams and the staff, any changes must also be submitted 24 hours before the originally scheduled date and time.
    • Rescheduled matches, again, need to be agreed upon by all parties.
  6. The following mods/plugins are banned from use in the tournament. If you use one of them, your entire team will receive a map loss. You will then be asked to remove the mod/plugin. Replays may not be called on map losses issued for banned mod/plugin use.
    • Note Slice Visualizer
    • Song Chart Visualizer
    • Any mod/plugin that affects scoring ability
    • Any mod/plugin that disables score submission
  7. Intro/Outro Skip is highly encouraged to be turned off or unused during the tournament. This recommendation is for the benefit of the viewers and is for helping to get stream sync working properly. If a player continuously uses intro/outro skip, they may be asked to turn off or remove the mod for the benefit of the stream. Map losses will not be issued for using intro/outro skip.
  8. All games in the bracket stage must be streamed to Twitch. In special cases if Twitch is not allowed in your country we will allow streaming to other services (ie. China and BiliBili)
    • Streams may not have obstructive overlays due to the stream sync technology that we're using.
    • In the same vein, streams must all be in first person view. Unfortunately we will not be allowing third person or avatar use at this time.
    • Please keep your stream FOV and other camera settings within relative acceptable standards. If you are unsure if what you have is considered "acceptable" then please ask a staff member.
  9. If a map ends in a tie, the map will be replayed.
  10. If a player disconnects or otherwise loses connection to the lobby, loses power, etc. the map will be played as normal and the player who disconnected must decide to use a replay or take the map loss.
  11. Maps can only be chosen once, either through ban or pick.
  12. There will be a 15 minute grace period for players to arrive if their team has less than the required amount of players to play a match (4).
    • If you have 4 players, you must begin the match regardless of who those players are (planned starters, subs, etc.)
    • If you cannot field a team of at least 4 players before the 15 minute grace period has ended, your team will forfeit and receive a loss.
  13. If a player disconnects, loses power, or any other event which causes the team to dip below the minimum required amount of players, an additional 15 minute grace period will be granted in order to allow the player to reconnect. If this continues to happens repeatedly, the match can be called at the discretion of the coordinator.
  14. Substituting players is allowed on a per-map basis. Any player may be substituted freely between maps. If a map needs to be replayed for some reason, including but not limited to: general replay, tie, etc. then the same players must play in the replay. If the same roster is not available for some reason (injury, disconnect, player has to leave, etc.) then that team will receive a map loss.
  15. Penalities can be issued at the discretion of the coordinator for players or teams who cause consistent excessive delays.
  16. Teams will be allowed one warmup song each, not to exceed 5 minutes per song. If neither team wishes to participate in these warmups, or wants to skip them, they are free to.
  17. Each team will be allowed 1 total replay per match. The Team Captain is the only member who can call a replay. Players may discuss these decisions with their Team Captains.
  18. Unplanned situations which require additional rules to be considered or created on the fly are subject to handling by the Tournament Staff and your Coordinator. Their rules are to be followed without question.
  19. If the tournament staff or your coordinator has made a decision on a ruling, it is final. We will not overturn final rulings.
  20. All Tournament Staff, including but not limited to, Staff, Coordinators, Casters, Map Poolers, etc. are all to be treated with respect. These people are putting in their own time for your benefit. Everybody is open to criticism, but nobody is open to disrespect.

Match Flow

Before picking and banning begins each team will roll a d100. The team with the highest roll gets to choose to be Team 1 or Team 2.

Best of 7
First to 4 wins

Team 1 Bans
Team 2 Bans
Team 2 Picks
Map 1 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 2 is played
Team 2 Bans
Team 1 Bans
Team 1 Picks
Map 3 is played
Team 2 Picks
Map 4 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 5 is played
Team 2 Picks
Map 6 is played
Tiebreaker is played
Best of 9
First to 5 wins

Team 1 Bans
Team 2 Bans
Team 2 Picks
Map 1 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 2 is played
Team 2 Bans
Team 1 Bans
Team 1 Picks
Map 3 is played
Team 2 Picks
Map 4 is played
Team 1 Bans
Team 2 Bans
Team 2 Picks
Map 5 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 6 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 7 is played
Team 2 Picks
Map 8 is played
Tiebreaker is played
Best of 11
First to 6 wins

Team 1 Bans
Team 2 Bans
Team 2 Picks
Map 1 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 2 is played
Team 2 Bans
Team 1 Bans
Team 1 Picks
Map 3 is played
Team 2 Picks
Map 4 is played
Team 1 Bans
Team 2 Bans
Team 2 Picks
Map 5 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 6 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 7 is played
Team 2 Picks
Map 8 is played
Team 1 Picks
Map 9 is played
Team 2 Picks
Map 10 is played
Tiebreaker is played