Event Description

The Beat Saber Stars and Stripes event is hosted by the US Beat Saber Discord Server.

In this event, 3 progression campaigns will be available to anyone through either the USA Beat Saber Discord Server, or the Cube Community Website (This webpage).

The campaigns are:
  • Red: this campaign is designed for players of around rank 1000 to 500.
  • White: this campaign is designed for players of around rank 500 to 200.
  • Blue: this campaign is designed for players of around rank 200 to 1.

That being said, any player can download and play any campaign. The ranks are just an indication of how we chose the requirements for the campaign challenges.

Each campaign will have 1 reward available to earn, those rewards are:
  • Red: Custom notes.
  • White: Custom walls.
  • Blue: 2 variants of a custom saber.

If you complete a higher level campaign, you will get ALL the rewards from the campaigns below e.g. Finishing the white campaign will get you the custom notes and the custom walls.


To play the campaign, first make sure you have Custom Campaigns mod installed. The best way to do this is by using the Beat Saber ModAssistant, which if you don't already have go ahead and get it here.

Secondly, use the download links below to get the campaign .zip files, then extract the three folders inside .zip to the CustomCampaigns folder located in your Beat Saber directory.

If the CustomCampaigns folder doesn't exist yet, either create the folder or run the game with mod installed and the folder with be auto generated.

Campaign Info

As mentioned above there will be 3 campaigns, each campaign will consist of 26 songs.

Each campaign will feature 26 maps:
  • 1 introduction
  • 1 finale
  • 18 middle maps
  • 6 bonus songs
The 18 middle maps will be split into 3 sections. Each section will have 6 maps that represent all types of skills within Beat Saber.
  • 6 maps will be speed based
  • 6 maps will be accuracy based
  • 6 maps will be mid/tech/combo based

The 6 bonus songs are all songs that members of the US BSWC team chose as their favorite songs. In the campaign, the bonus challenges are labeled as “Torture Chambers” because the maps we all chose are scary.


Each campaign will host different rewards.

Campaign Prize
Red Custom notes
White Custom walls
Blue Custom sabers

If you complete a higher level campaign, you will get ALL the rewards from the campaigns below e.g. Finishing the white campaign will get you the custom notes and the custom walls.

The rewards for each campaign will be distributed once you get past the final level of the campaigns. You will see what I mean when you get there.

The rewards are NOT secure. This means that theoretically you could steal the rewards without finishing the campaigns. Obviously this is discouraged, because the rewards are meant to be indications of your progression as a player. If you have a certain reward, take pride in the fact that you earned it through your hard work and dedication to improving.

Lastly, thank you to Bobbie for making the rewards.

Extra Notes

These campaigns are designed to stand on their own forever. Even if someone deletes a map from beatsaver, or beatsaver goes down, any player will be able to download the maps and play them, so long as they have an internet connection and the custom campaigns mod still works (and google drive doesn’t break).

These rewards will always be available to anyone, and there is no time-limit.

Lastly, there is one final reward. The first person who completes every single challenge across all campaigns will receive the discord role 'Campaign God' in the US Beat Saber discord server." We will verify this manually.


Role Name(s)
Creator profile imageSSnowy
Map Backgrounds profile imageAlexssensei
Maps profile imageAstrella, profile imageLuxas, profile imageWoops, profile imageDrexcalibur, profile imageSchwank, profile imageGarsh, profile imageCerret, profile imageKingRazer, profile imageZyrix
Special Thanks profile imageBobbie, profile imageLostVint, profile imageMonkeyManBoy, profile imageDarksamich, profile imageAmanatsu, profile imageCharlie, profile imageSkyler Wallace