CC Winter Cup Banner

Welcome to the 2021 Cube Community Winter Cup! The format for this tournament will be the standard 1v1. This tournament is organised and run by these people Winter Cup Staff

Tournament Schedule

Phase Date/Time
Registration 2021-11-24 / 2021-12-11
Qualifiers 2021-11-27 / 2021-12-11
Tournament Day 1 2021-12-18 6PM UTC
Tournament Day 2 2021-12-19 6PM UTC


Placement Prize
1st + 50% of total prize pool + VR Wave prescription lenses
2nd + 30% of total prize pool
3rd + 20% of total prize pool

Cash prizes will be given from a donation based prize pool.


Position Member(s)
Admin Amanatsu, Kosmos, Spiza
Staff AFriendlyPug, BakedaDough, Charlie, DaniXO, Dannypoke03, Drakonno, Gregi, JiveOff, Magicican, Miller, moon, Samiii サミイ, Stenis
Design JiveOff, kris, Miller, Stenis
Caster Magician, Bantalope, Brylanbbab, Gio, Ixsen, Kosmos, Mystikmol, RFCaps, TiltedTeapot, Wolven
Coordinator Gregi, Samiii サミイ, Shappy, Sirspam, StormPacer, RFCaps, ShadowPixel
Map Pooler Aquaflee, FatBeanzoop, fraies, Jaack, Jabob, Joshabi, Ryan, Spiza, «Sync»

Top 32

The following 32 players qualified.

Seed Player


Map Pools


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Reviver MY FIRST STORY CokeInjector & Joshabi & Bytrius Hard 1c3c3 Preview
Animosity Laur ThySpoon Expert+ 1a7f9 Preview
GHOST Camellia Nolanimations Expert+ 1da4f Preview
Faster Please seeyousoon CoolingCloset Expert+ 1d026 Preview
ENDYMION fallen shepherd ft. RabbiTon Strings Jabob Expert+ 1c2f7 Preview
Harakiri Within Destruction FatBeanzoop & Fvrwvrd Expert+ 1aa07 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Qualifiers Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
astrid glaive nolan121405 Hard 19854 Preview
1,000,000 TIMES MY FIRST STORY Nolanimations Expert+ 1c446 Preview
OMGWTFYAWP t+pazolite ThySpoon Expert+ 1be63 Preview
BANG!!! EGOIST CoolingCloset & Uninstaller Expert+ 1e086 Preview
Illuyanka PSYQUI nolan121405 Expert+ 1989b Preview

Download the full playlist here: WR1,LR1 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
PvP Ken Ashcorp CyanSnow Expert 6cb6 Preview
Missed Injections Hail the Sun Nolanimations Expert+ 1d97e Preview
Lifelight Super Smash Bros. Ultimate FatBeanzoop, Umu & Nolanimations Expert+ 1c4a8 Preview
Devil On My Shoulder Kelsy Karter FatBeanzoop Expert+ 1d102 Preview
Yotsuya-san ni Yoroshiku Eight CoolingCloset Expert+ 1a552 Preview

Download the full playlist here: WR2,LR2,LR3 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
The Nights Avicii Nolanimations Hard 16abf Preview
FLUFFY FLASH Kobaryo RichardLH Normal 1bf96 Preview
Deception Dance Gavin Dance cerret Expert+ 1cd77 Preview
I got it! Mia REGINA cerret Expert+ 1bc83 Preview
300 Nuts Per Minute Holo Bass & Spikey Wikey Fvrwvrd Expert+ 19fca Preview
Old School Sound Cesqeaux & Wuki ThySpoon Expert+ 1c772 Preview
Outbreak USAO abcbadq Expert+ 1a57d Preview

Download the full playlist here: WR3,LR4,LR5 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Sheets Were The States All Time Low SSnowy Easy 1765f Preview
Golden Harry Styles RFCaps Normal 1a55d Preview
TROPICAL A GOGO t+pazolite That_Narwhal Expert+ 1cc16 Preview
Venomous Firefly Camellia ComplexFrequency Expert 1ace5 Preview
Mystery Circles Ultra / U.U.F.O. Camellia cerret & Nolanimations Expert 1dc94 Preview
Do It Now Remember It Later Sleeping With Sirens CoolingCloset Expert+ 1e0f1 Preview
Schadenfreude ZxNX fraies Expert+ 1e4a5 Preview

Download the full playlist here: WSemis,LR6,LSemis Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Sleigh Ride Pentatonix ETAN Expert+ 11c10 Preview
STAY The Kid LAROI RFCaps & FatBeanzoop Hard 1acce Preview
We Magicians Still Alive In 2021 Camellia Joshabi Expert+ 1e0ef Preview
Metamorphose Laur Jabob Expert+ 1bb8d Preview
Kamah Camellia Aquaflee Expert+ 1e23d Preview
Memories of the winter storm Schwank Jabob Expert+ 1ac47 Preview
Barbecue Igorrr & Ruby My Dear Schwank & Jabob Expert+ 1a593 Preview

Download the full playlist here: WFinals,LFinals Playlist

One Click Install

Grand Finals

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
Powerful Icecore & Kou! nolan121405 Hard 19bdd Preview
Kiss Me More Doja Cat Olaf Expert+ 18d1d Preview
The Blood Moon Strikes Again ReeK Joshabi Expert+ 1db4e Preview
Mushussu Blacklolita & Massive New Krew scoop & FatBeanzoop Expert+ 1af82 Preview
Berserkerz' Warfare 345 Camellia cerret & ComplexFrequency Expert+ 1b8d3 Preview
Flamewall Camellia Jabob Expert+ 1d73d Preview
Spin Eternally Camellia fraies & Narwhal Expert+ 197ba Preview
Unpleasant Sonata Igorrr Complex, Jabob, & Slimy Expert+ 1e07d Preview
Deimos Schwank Jabob & Narwhal Expert+ 1f074 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Grand Finals Playlist

One Click Install


Registration Rules

  1. When you are registered you may set scores using the qualifier plugin over a set period. Check the tournament schedule for the dates. The qualifier plugin will be able to be downloaded from the discord.
  2. When the qualifier is finished, the top 32 players will move onto the bracket stage, where live 1v1 matches will be played out.
  3. You cannot play in this tournament if:
    • You are on PSVR
    • You are on Quest without a link cable
    • You are banned from submitting scores to ScoreSaber
  4. All players must register for CC Winter Cup by logging into the Cube Community website, going to the account settings page and linking their ScoreSaber ID.

Sign up here.

Qualfiers Rules

Scoring & Format
  1. A player's placement will be calculated from the scores they set on the qualifier maps.
    • Every qualifier map will be counted towards to the final score.
    • A player's overall score will be calculated by taking the average of each score's accuracy.
  2. All scores set on a map will have their accuracy weighted against the top score; e.g. if 1st has place an accuracy of 96% on the map, then it will be weighted as 100% and all the following scores will be calculated against the top score.
  3. After qualifiers have finished, the top 32 players will move to the Round of 32 bracket phase.
  4. A player's seed will be decided by their placement in the qualifiers.
  5. In the (unlikely) event of a tie, current ScoreSaber rank will be used to determine who will receive a higher seed - higher ScoreSaber rank means higher Qualifier seed in this case.
Setting Scores
  1. Every player will get 3 attempts to set a score on a map. (The songs can be practiced as much as players want before attempting to set a score as long as you disable/remove the mod first.)
  2. Once you press play on a map the amount of attempts you have left will be decreased by 1. (Quitting, crashing, disconnecting, etc. will still use up an attempt)
  3. If you pause the map after the first 10 seconds have passed, the score will return a value of zero. (An attempt is still used even if you pause and then quit or restart in the first 10 seconds)
  4. If your game lags, you lose tracking, or anything else related to your own hardware or setup happens, an attempt will still be used.
    • You will not be able to set scores while playing with modifiers or on different difficulties. (Doing this will not use up an attempt)
    • No Fail is allowed.
  5. You are not allowed to use any mods that affect scoring or mods that disable scores from being uploaded to Scoresaber.
  6. A valid version of Scoresaber that allows you to submit scores is necessary to have your scores counted.

Note: If there was a technical issue (qualifier mod-related) with uploading a score then please take a screenshot and let us know so we can try and resolve the issue.

General Rules

  1. All players will play in Tournament Assistant, and scores will be taken from the in-game scoring system. Because of this, all players will be required to be on the newest version of Beat Saber.
  2. The following mods/plugins are banned from use in the tournament. If you use one of them, you will receive a map loss.
    • Note Slice Visualizer
    • Any mod/plugin that affects scoring ability
    • Any mod/plugin that disables score submission
  3. Intro/Outro Skip is highly encouraged to be turned off or unused during the tournament. This recommendation is for the benefit of the viewers and is for helping to get stream sync working properly. If a player continuously uses intro/outro skip, they may be asked to turn off or remove the mod for the benefit of the stream. Map losses will not be issued for using intro/outro skip.
  4. All games in the bracket stage must be streamed to Twitch. In special cases if Twitch is not allowed in your country we will allow streaming to other services (ie. China and BiliBili)
    • Streams may not have obstructive overlays due to the stream sync technology that we're using.
    • In the same vein, streams must all be in first person view. Unfortunately we will not be allowing third person or avatar use at this time.
    • The generally accepted FOV for first person cameras is around 70-100. If you have a non-standard setup or must use a "third-person" Z axis offset camera because of technical issues, please consult someone on staff to confirm that it's okay to use.
  5. If a map ends in a tie, the map will be replayed.
  6. If a player disconnects or otherwise loses connection to the lobby, loses power, etc. the map will be played as normal and the player who disconnected must decide to use a replay or take the map loss. (Special exceptions can be made for known issues with plugins. Please speak to your coordinator about these.)
  7. Maps can only be chosen once, either through ban or pick.
  8. Players will be allowed a 5 minute grace period after the scheduled start time for the match to arrive. If you do not arrive in time for your match, you will receive a match loss.
  9. Penalities can be issued at the discretion of the coordinator for players who cause consistent, excessive delays.
  10. If a decision is made to be final, there will be no arguing it. We will not overturn a final say.
  11. Each player will be allowed 1 replay per match and may be used for any reason. Both players may use their replay on the same map if they want to.
  12. Unplanned situations which require additional rules to be considered or created on the fly are subject to handling by the Tournament Staff and your Coordinator. Their rules are to be followed without question.
  13. If the tournament staff or your coordinator has made a decision on a ruling, it is final. We will not overturn final rulings.
  14. All Tournament Staff, including but not limited to, Staff, Coordinators, Casters, Map Poolers, etc. are all to be treated with respect. These people are putting in their own time for your benefit. Everybody is open to criticism, but nobody is open to disrespect.

Match Flow

Pick and ban order is decided by player's seed.

Best of 3
First to 2 wins

Low Seed Bans
High Seed Bans
High Seed Picks
Map 1 is played
Low Seed Picks
Map 2 is played
Tiebreaker is played
Best of 5
First to 3 wins

Low Seed Bans
High Seed Bans
High Seed Picks
Map 1 is played
Low Seed Picks
Map 2 is played
Low Seed Picks
Map 3 is played
High Seed Picks
Map 4 is played
Tiebreaker is played
Best of 7
First to 4 wins

Low Seed Bans
High Seed Bans
High Seed Picks
Map 1 is played
Low Seed Picks
Map 2 is played
Low Seed Picks
Map 3 is played
High Seed Picks
Map 4 is played
Low Seed Picks
Map 5 is played
High Seed Picks
Map 6 is played
Tiebreaker is played