CC Spring Cup Banner

Welcome to the Cube Community Spring Cup! The format for this tournament will be the standard 1v1. This tournament is organised and run by these people Spring Cup Staff

Tournament Schedule

Phase Date/Time
Registration 2021-02-28 / 2021-03-21
Qualifier Weekend 1 2021-03-05 / 2021-03-07
Qualifier Weekend 2 2021-03-19 / 2021-03-21
Tournament Day 1 2021-03-27 6PM UTC
Tournament Day 2 2021-03-28 6PM UTC


Placement Prize
1st + 50% of total prize pool
2nd + 30% of total prize pool
3rd + 20% of total prize pool

Cash prizes will be given from a donation based prize pool.


Position Member(s)
Admin Amanatsu, Koalafied Operator, Kosmos, Spiza
Staff AFriendlyPug, BakedaDough, britmob, Charlie, Checkthepan, Dani☆, Dannypoke03, Gregi | Benni, JiveOff, Miller, moon, muffn, Samiii, Stenis
Design JiveOff, Miller, Stenis
Caster Bakedadough, Kosmos, Magician, Bantalope, Mystikmol, TheTiltedTeapot, Wolven
Coordinator Gregi, Samiii, Eradawn, ShadowPixel, Aso, Dawn, Raven, teknoz, RFCaps, Remos, riasuh, Ghilo
Map Pooler altrewin, Checkthepan, FatBeanzoop, fraies, Joshabi, Koalafied Operator, RFCaps, Spiza, That_Narwhal, Tootie, Trolav

Top 32

The following 32 players qualified.

Pos Player Average Acc Average Rank


Map Pools


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaber Preview
Kingslayer Bring Me The Horizon muffn & altrewin Expert+ 14427 Preview
Setsuna Imitation Yairi CoolingCloset Expert+ 11ce4 Preview
FLUFFY FLASH Kobaryo RichardLH Expert+ 123d0 Preview
Dance with Silence Camellia abcbadq Expert+ 1027a Preview
Tera I/O Camellia cerret Expert+ 13810 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Qualifiers Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaber Preview
Move Dropgun & Leat'eq Teuflum Expert+ 144bc Preview
AttraqtiA Camellia That_Narwhal Expert+ 13fad Preview
RELOADED EGOIST CoolingCloset Expert+ 12dc3 Preview
MAYHEM RoughSketch X CANVAS feat. Quimar Helloiamdaan Expert+ 123a3 Preview
REANIMATE Warak cerret & Nolanimations Expert+ 15bcb Preview

Download the full playlist here: WR1,LR1 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaber Preview
Berserk Evilwave FatBeanzoop Expert+ 15075 Preview
Angel Kairiki Bear Meldi Expert+ cba6 Preview
Final Boss II Thaehan FatBeanzoop Expert+ 141ab Preview
YAVA! BABYMETAL CoolingCloset Expert+ 11c96 Preview
YURUSHITE t+pazolite cerret Expert+ 10964 Preview

Download the full playlist here: WR2,LR2,LR3 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaber Preview
Top of the "M" Unlucky Morpheus abcbadq & altrewin Expert+ 14b34 Preview
UNO Little Big Schwank vs. Narwhal Expert+ 13b17 Preview
Sengoku HOP YUC'e muffn Expert+ efea Preview
The Skin Thief Nekrogoblikon Astrella Expert+ f448 Preview
Lair ETIA cerret Expert+ 13283 Preview
Bloodgroove Blacklolita scoop Expert+ 1551a Preview
PROJECTION Passcode abcbadq & altrewin Expert+ 158ce Preview

Download the full playlist here: WR3,LR4,LR5 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaber Preview
Emotional lability Filthy shrado Expert+ 15200 Preview
Body F10ating in the Zero Gravity Space Camellia Umbranox Expert+ 14ed9 Preview
Fracture Ray Sakuzyo muffn & FatBeanzoop Expert+ d8f5 Preview
Codex Kotek Jabob Expert+ 141e3 Preview
Powerful Icecore & Kou! cerret Expert+ 1565a Preview
Emanation Schwank and Tanger Jaack Expert+ 15ba9 Preview
Goodbye BLANKFIELD Cobayo & IsraGRFK Expert 15aab Preview

Download the full playlist here: WR4,LR6,LR7 Playlist

One Click Install


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaber Preview
I Chroma Mystikmol & Moriik Expert+ 140d6 Preview
Caffeine Kitty ESAI abcbadq Expert+ 151c5 Preview
Melancholia you abcbadq Expert+ 13e2f Preview
My Music Playlist Kobaryo cerret Expert+ 13225 Preview
Toymatic Parade DJ Genki cerret Expert+ 150ec Preview
+ERABY+E CONNEC+10N Camellia Tootie Expert+ 15300 Preview
Revolver Churros Kobaryo scoop Expert+ 1527a Preview

Download the full playlist here: WSemis,LFinals Playlist

One Click Install

Grand Finals

Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaber Preview
Here We Go M1dy Astrella Expert+ 132cb Preview
Introduction - Xursed divinitiY Camellia Schwank & Jabob Expert+ 13bd3 Preview
True Hero Kobaryo Cerret, Complex & Daan Expert+ 138ba Preview
Invisible Frenzy Kobaryo Denyah & Astrella Expert+ 1496b Preview
Absolute Psalm Igorrr FatBeanzoop Expert 15293 Preview
Milky Factory Kobaryo cerret Expert+ 10c79 Preview
Bouquet of Myosotis umeboshi chazuke lobsterrrrrr Expert+ 15bdd Preview
Cycle Hit Kasai Harcores abcbadq Expert+ 15f15 Preview
We Could Get More Machinegun Psystyle! (and More Genre Switches) Camellia Various Mappers Expert+ 15f77 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Grand Finals Playlist

One Click Install


Registration and Qualfiers Rules

  1. All players must register for CC Spring Cup by logging into the Cube Community website, going to the account settings page and linking their ScoreSaber ID.
  2. During registration all players must select one of the listed timeslots to participate in the Live Qualifiers.
  3. All players must be in the Qualifier Waiting Room channel of the CC Spring Cup 10 minutes prior to the timeslot they have signed up for during registration.
  4. All players will take direction from the coordinator, and enter Tournament Assistant. There will be a 5 minute grace for players to enter TA before missing their scheduled qualifier timeslot.
  5. Five qualifier maps will be played Once by all players There will be no replays or tracking calls
  6. The player's lowest rank (placement compared to other players) will be dropped and not counted in their qualifier ranking.
  7. All qualifier scores will be directly submitted to this website. 32 Players with the best average qualifier rank will progress to tournament play.
  8. In the case of an average qualifier rank tie, highest average accuracy will be used as a tie breaker.
  9. You cannot play in this tournament if:
    • You are on PSVR
    • You are on Quest without a link cable
    • You are banned from submitting scores to ScoreSaber

Sign up here.

General Rules

  1. Cube Community Spring Cup is a 32 player, double-elimination tournament where players will compete against each other in 1v1 best of 3/5/7 matches.
  2. All players will play in Tournament Assistant, and scores will be taken from the in-game scoring system.
  3. The winner will be decided by which player has the highest total score.
  4. The following mods/plugins are banned from use in the tournament. If you use one of them, you will receive a map loss.
    • Intro/Outro Skip
    • Note Slice Visualizer
    • Song Chart Visualizer
    • Any mod/plugin that affects scoring ability
    • Any mod/plugin that disables score submission
  5. All games in the bracket stage must be streamed to Twitch. In special cases if Twitch is not allowed in your country we will allow streaming to other services (ie. China and BiliBili)
    • Streams may not have obstructive overlays due to the stream sync technology that we're using.
    • In the same vein, streams must all be in first person view. Unfortunately we will not be allowing third person or avatar use at this time.
    • The generally accepted FOV for first person cameras is around 70-100. If you have a non-standard setup or must use a "third-person" Z axis offset camera because of technical issues, please consult someone on staff to confirm that it's okay to use.
  6. If a map ends in a tie, the map will be replayed.
  7. Each player will be allowed 1 replay per match for any reason.
  8. If a player disconnects or otherwise loses connection to the lobby, loses power, etc. the map will be played as normal and the player who disconnected must decide to use a replay or take the map loss.
  9. Maps can only be chosen once, either through ban or pick.
  10. There will be a 5 minute grace period for players to arrive to their scheduled match time. Every 5 minutes after the initial grace period will be marked as a map loss. If a player is more than 15 minutes late, they will forfiet the match.
  11. Unplanned situations which require additional rulings are subject to handling by the Tournament Staff and your Coordinator. Their rules are to be followed without question.
  12. If a decision is made to be final, there will be no arguing it. We will not overturn a final say.
  13. All Tournament Staff, including but not limited to, Staff, Coordinators, Casters, Map Poolers, etc. are all to be treated with respect. These people are putting in their own time for your benefit.

Match Flow

  1. All coordinators and players should connect to the match before or at their scheduled play time.
  2. Picks and bans will be conducted by the coordinator and players before the match begins.
  3. The low seed player will ban first, high seed bans second. High seed picks, low seed picks, alternating until one more map remains, this will be the tiebreaker map.
  4. After each map, the Coordinator will confirm the winners of each map and their total scores.
  5. After the match has completed, the Coordinator will release the players from their lobby.