Beat Saber World Cup Banner

This is the second Beat Saber World Cup! The format for this tournament will be teams organised by country. Read about all the tournament info here

Qualifiers Info

All teams in the BSWC (Beat Saber World Cup) will compete against each other in this phase to earn a place in the top 16. Placing in the top 16 will allow the teams to move onto the next phase of BSWC where they will then battle it out in the round of 16!

The teams will compete against each other by setting the highest scores possible on all 7 qualifier maps. All players on their team's roster are eligible to set scores during this phase. You can see a full list of all teams' rosters here.

Scores will only be collected during the qualifier phase, and by using the qualifier plugin as a registered player. You will not be able to use modes where you cannot submit scores. Please be aware of this when attempting to set a score on these maps.


A team's score will be calculated by taking the top 4 players scores on each song, so if a team has 8 players only the top 4 players scores on a song will be counted.

All songs will have their scores weighted against the top score. e.g. if 1st has place an accuracy of 96% on the map, then it will be weighted as 100% and all the following scores will be calculated against the top score.


The qualifiers will last 2 weeks and take place between 2021-06-12 2PM UTC and 2021-06-27 2PM UTC.

The current qualifier standings can be seen below! Please read the Qualifier's info to understand how Qualifiers work and to understand how the results are calculated.


Song Name Artist Mapper Difficulty BeatSaver Preview
RGB YOASOBI Dack Expert 160f3 Preview
dnd glaive cerret Expert+ 1599a Preview
Envy Baby Kanaria CoolingCloset & Nolanimations Expert+ 16ac1 Preview
Newspapers For Magicians Camellia Shan_Man Expert+ 1547b Preview
An artifice Camellia ThySpoon Expert+ 16d07 Preview
Knight Rider USAO Fvrwvrd Expert+ 16991 Preview
Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous Good Charlotte ETAN Expert 18880 Preview

Download the full playlist here: Qualifiers Playlist

One Click Install

Team Leaderboards

refresh img
Pos Team Average Weighted Accuracy Total Weighted Accuracy Scores Set

Individual Leaderboards

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Pos Player Average Weighted Accuracy Total Weighted Accuracy Scores Set

Song Leaderboards


Pos Player Weighted Accuracy Accuracy Score


Pos Player Weighted Accuracy Accuracy Score

Envy Baby

Pos Player Weighted Accuracy Accuracy Score

Newspapers For Magicians

Pos Player Weighted Accuracy Accuracy Score

An artifice

Pos Player Weighted Accuracy Accuracy Score

Knight Rider

Pos Player Weighted Accuracy Accuracy Score

Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

Pos Player Weighted Accuracy Accuracy Score
