On this page there will be several files that can be downloaded that are CC resources created either by CC or for CC. Before downloading the files please make sure to read the info/tos as by downloading the files you are directly agreeing to the tos.
All files included on this page are approved for personal use, but please do not use any of them for monetization. Monetization includes but is not limited to:
Note: If you are using our sabers in-game in a monetized YouTube video, that is fine.
Please do NOT re-upload our sabers to the modelsaber website, or anywhere else that hosts sabers or other modded beat saber files.
You can find our wallpaper engine background here.
We will be updating this page as time goes on, so if you are ever looking for an updated version of any of these files, please check back.
Last updated: January 3rd 2021
The download below contains the Old School BS Mod. It changes your menu to look like the old 2018 Beat Saber menu. This mod looks best with Bloom enabled.
The download below contains the CC sabers that can be used in game using the Custom Sabers or Saber Factory mod.
The download below contains various pictures of Akane and Kanade in .png format.
The download below contains 3 .png files of the CC logo in varying sizes.
The download below contains all the Beat Saber World Cup 2022 logo and all the country flags.
The download below contains fanmade sabers made by Aprioe#7576. There are two versions available, a normal one and an outlined one.