We have compiled some interesting statistics to do with how teams and individual players performed throughout the tournament, as well as statistics to do with the pools, e.g. The most banned map per pool.
Most of the stats are featured on this page, however for a complete run down the matches scores and team’s performance the match link can be used in the Match Results section on the info page.
An example a match view can be seen here.
The qualifiers page can still be used to see how well teams performed, as well as the individual players. Clicking on a team row will expand the row and show further data about how the players performed on the team for the qualifiers.
Finally, we on the BSWC team have made some joke awards to give to players/teams! This is only meant to be as a bit of fun to commemorate interesting and memorable moments that have happened throughout the tournament.
This section shows the players that performed the best for each team. It will show a player based on the number of maps played, plus the position they finished on each map.
Country | Player Name | |
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United States | Zyrix |
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United Kingdom | Jaack |
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Sweden | Klow |
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Poland | Drakonno |
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Norway | Duh Hello |
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Netherlands | Silverhaze |
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South Korea | WDG_Tyrits |
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Japan | ejiejidayo |
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Germany | Skyggen |
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France | Fakoz |
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Finland | Tseska |
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Denmark | FloW |
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China | Anivia |
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Canada | Flee |
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Belgium | ZilianTheGreat |
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Australia | Chicken |
This section shows the players that achieved the highest accuracy on every map.
This section shows the most banned map of a pool.
If a map pool doesn't have a map with more than 1 ban then it won't be shown.
Pool Name | Map Name | Bans |
Round of 16 | Esoteria | 5 |
Losers Round 1 | Uragiri no Yuuyake | 4 |
Quarterfinals | Re Re (Single ver.) TV Size | 2 |
Losers Round 2 | Erm, could it be a Spatiotemporal ShockWAVE Syndrome...? | 4 |
Losers Round 3 | HE4VEN | 2 |
Losers Round 4 | Fastest Crash | 2 |
This section shows the most picked map of a pool.
If a map pool doesn't have a map with more than 1 pick, then it won't be shown.
Pool Name | Map Name | Picks |
Round of 16 | G.O.A.T. | 6 |
Losers Round 1 | Tapi Tapi | 4 |
Quarterfinals | HINODE | 4 |
Losers Round 2 | dreamless wanderer | 3 |
Losers Round 3 | BlueMoon Princess | 2 |
Semifinals | TRICKL4SH 220 | 2 |
Losers Round 4 | Barbatos | 2 |
As mentioned above these joke awards are only meant as a bit of fun and a good way to commemorate some of the memorable moments of the tournament.
There were quite a few different memes produced throughout the tournament, however some definitely stood above others in terms of creativity and effort.
The award goes to Team Poland for their remake of the Risitas meme which can be watched here.
Honourable mention goes to Team UK as they made several top tier memes throughout the tournament for their matches. All Team UK's memes can be seen on their twitter [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
There was one among all who was the widest in the tournament. The absolute width of this person is insane. Throughout the tournament it seemed like they were just getting wider. This person is of course Smallfox from team Sweden. You can see their wideness in the match VOD
Apparently, the modern solution to having vision blocks is just too set your height so high that none of the notes can block your vision... at least that is the solution that Binary applies from team Sweden. It is also strange how team Sweden has the widest and tallest player.
I did have one question for Binary, and that was "how does he go under duck walls", and apparently his solution is just to go over them.
During the competition there were a lot of players that were not household names that showed their worth, and one of the players was Olaf from team Netherlands. During the Canada vs Netherlands Semifinals match, Cooling was unable to play due to an injury, so the team had to sub in Olaf for a large amount of the maps.
Canada's team is full of high-ranking players and acc gods, so Olaf really had to pull his weight in this match. Despite having a rocky start Olaf showed everyone his potential and got the support of the chat behind him. Then after that, every time Olaf was seen in the tournament he had the full support of the chat behind him.
Just like Olaf, there was a team during the competition which people originally thought would not perform as well as they did due to their seed. However, throughout the tournament team Belgium exceeded most people's expectations and cemented themselves as the fan favourite.
Belgium's seed was 11 going into the tournament, and in their first match against Germany (seed: 6) managed to take a map from them which surprised people.
Their second match in LR1 against Finland (seed: 14) further showed how strong they were when they 3-0 Finland.
Then, in their next match in LR2 against Japan (seed: 8) they surprised everyone with another crazy 3-0 in a match many people thought they would lose.
Finally, in their last match against Sweden (seed: 7), Belgium showed us one of the closest matches of the tournament losing just barely 2-3.
The purpose of the warmup songs in the tournament is to not only allow players to have one final practice before the match starts, but to also allow players to feel relaxed and release a lot of the nerves.
Throughout BSWC2020 there were a lot of different warmup songs played, and for the most part the teams took the opportunity to play weird and wonderful songs, however some stand above the rest. Team UK had mostly meme warmup songs, however the one that stands out is their Big Up Boris map, which was uploaded just before their match. This map is just the British national anthem but is made in a way that makes the players almost salute throughout the whole song.
An honourable mention has to go to team Netherlands for most of their warmup maps which would include their players doing karaoke along to the songs being played.
As mentioned in the Best Warmup Song award, Netherlands spent a lot of their maps singing along to the songs, so to honour their amazing performance we have awarded the best singing performance to Netherlands for their outstanding performance on panneko. Truly brings a tear to your ear... We might be deaf now.
Tracking is always an issue of tournament play for Beat Saber due to VR limitations, however some players seem to be unluckier than others when it comes how often they have tracking issues. The one player that made a name for themselves having bad tracking throughout the tournament is of course Lemonade from team Korea. Lemonade seemed to have tracking issues for nearly every map which is impressive, but none the less Lemonade still managed to put up a very impressive performance.
An honourable mention has to go to everyone for this award as well :)
Unlike the Fan Favourite Player, there was one player who seemed to already have a following behind him before he even played in match. This player was Kakifrucht from team Germany who always seemed to have a crazy and devote following of people in the chat always asking for and cheering on Kaki.
The Did you try turning it off and on again award is the most prestigious award that can be given to an up-and-coming I.T guru. The award goes to ZilianTheGreat from team Belgium who was having major technical difficulties with getting his VR up and running, despite trying mostly everything the solution that ended up working was turning it off and on again.
This award was made purely made to commemorate the moment NDK | Electrostats got literally sabotaged by nature during a match when his house got struck by lightning and turned off his power, in which moment the chat chanted Electro ain't got no electro. Luckily, team Canada had already set a score on this due to a tracking replay being called.